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Each time we meet we will develop a unique treatment plan to attend to your ongoing wellness goals, and any emergent concerns. Every aspect of your treatment is thoughtfully considered through the lenses of Five Element Theory, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Western Biomedicine. Your treatment plan will include a combination of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Fire Cupping, Gua Sha, and Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling. 

Acupuncture is a 2000 year old medical art. In an acupuncture treatment, points on the body are stimulated using a combination of ultra-fine needles, and the application of heat. This process regulates the nervous system, optimizes organ function, and reduces systemic inflammation. For millennia, acupuncture has been utilized as a method of cultivating wellness. The tradition of acupuncture has been upheld through centuries of practical use, and in recent years, it has gained credibility through validation from modern medicine and Western scientific studies. In our approach to treatment we honor all points of view in order to provide the most comprehensive care to our patients.


What is Acupuncture?

What is Five Element Acupuncture?

Five Element Acupuncture considers every person as whole, and seeks to understand the inherent nature of each individual - their innate strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. This deeper understanding of the patient allows the practitioner to leverage the existing gifts within, strengthen weaknesses from a place of understanding their origin, and to support the patient in their ever growing self awareness and authenticity. This constitutional approach to medicine goes beyond symptomatic relief, supporting patients in achieving fundamental wellness in their body, heart, and mind.

Rooted in the laws of nature, this ecological approach to health envisions each person as a microcosm of the natural world. The wholeness and beauty of nature inspire a vision of the individual: perfectly imperfect, and containing multitudes. Approaching medicine with the awe and wonder conjured by nature's bounty invites your undiscovered potential to emerge and flourish.

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